“You’re a spreadsheet superhero!” above a happy spreadsheet wearing a cape
We can always COUNT() on you!
Isn’t it fun that we’re always on the same wavelength?
Thanks for being such a great friend.
a goat yelling AAAAAAHHHH!!
You’re just the greatest (of all time).
a hot air balloon floats above the clouds with a banner that says “Good luck on your next adventure
a 2020 flaming dumpster roasting marshmallows on itself
Cheers to a new year!
a smiling flan on a plate
You’re flantastic!
Tom Hanks
We just wanted to say T.hanks!
a winking Bigfoot gives a thumbs up from behind a tree
We believe in you!
a fancy cheese-headed man with mustache and monocle smokes a pipe in a library, text says “They say wisdom increases with age, like cheese”
We don’t know about you, but we’re really excited that cheese increases.
a pickle, text says “We think you’re a big dill
If we were ever in a pickle, we know who we’d relish being with.
an excited bottle of sriracha, text says “Are you a giant bottle of sriracha?”
We think you make everything you’re part of better.
Happy birthday!
stacked pizza boxes with flying slices of pizza, text says “You always deliver”
We hope this isn’t too cheesy.
Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!
You are so appreciated!
We don’t have the right words <3
We’re here for you.
Thinking of you.
Feel better soon
a cupcake with a lit birthday candle and confetti
Happy birthday!
a cow is weight training with a poster that says “Shoot for the moon”
You got this.
two birds are building a bird house with a large heart inside
Thinking of you
a yeti is on another yeti’s shoulders and looking through a monocular
Thinking of you
You did it!